What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on, and during subsequent visits retrieved from, your computer, tablet, mobile phone or similar devices when you visit Swedish Match North Europe AB’s (“Swedish Match”, “we”) website www.zyn.com (the “Website”) (except for the subdomain us.zyn.com). Cookies allow the Website to remember, for example, information about your visit so that we can provide you with a better user experience.

There are two types of cookies: persistent cookies and session cookies. The persistent cookies are stored on your device for a longer period of time after your browser has been closed and are used, for example, to log the choices you made during earlier visits. Session cookies are stored temporarily in your browser, for example, to remember what language you selected. These are erased automatically after your browser is closed.

There are also third-party cookies, meaning that the cookies do not originate from us, but from someone else. Third-party cookies are often used for web statistics and marketing, such as Google and Facebook. 

For what purpose are cookies used on the Website?

Swedish Match uses persistent cookies and session cookies to facilitate the use of, and purchasing on, the Website. Cookies are also used to store information between your visits, for example, the contents of your shopping cart. 

Swedish Match uses third-party cookies for analysis of the use of the Website, which forms the basis for our product development moving forward and retargeting when we may provide information and market ZYN externally to users who have visited the Website. See more information about specific third-party cookies below. 

Use of the Facebook Pixel (third-party cookies)

Swedish Match, like many others, uses Facebook’s marketing technology (the Facebook “Pixel”). The aim of this is to market ZYN to Facebook’s users through the technology, for example, by separating existing users of the Website that we wish to target with advertising for ZYN. Basically, the Pixel uses the following method:

The Pixel consists of a few lines of JavaScript code that is incorporated into web platforms. The only purpose of the code is to send a server request to Facebook’s servers, for example, following a successful purchase transaction. This specific server request will include (in “HTTP headers”) your IP address, information about your browser and “User Agent” as well as any cookie data. In other words, the Pixel produces a small digital “footprint” from certain of your activities on the Website that is registered by Facebook. Facebook uses this information to study whether the specific “footprint” is similar to any of their existing users. If Facebook finds a match, it can then opt to certain marketing rules on this. If you want to limit Facebook’s use of your online activity information for marketing purposes, you can change your settings on your Facebook account.

Use of Google Analytics/Tag Manager (third-party cookie)

Swedish Match uses Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager, which are established products from Google that use cookies to understand on a general level how the visitor interacts with the Website. The information contained in these cookies, including your IP address, will be provided to Google through a procedure similar to that for Facebook (see above) and is stored on Google’s servers in the US. If, as an Internet user, you specifically want to avoid being tracked by Google, Google itself provides the following service: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

How do I turn off cookies?

If you choose not to accept the use of cookies on the Website, you can simply turn off or limit cookies using your browser’s security settings function. Use your browser’s help function to find out how.

If you block or limit cookies on the Website, it is possible that you will not be able to use all of the services and functions on the Website.

Information about personal data

Read more about how we use your personal data in our Privacy Notice.

Changes to this information

Latest update to this information: 12 December, 2018 (Version 1.2)

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